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Fredi Helton
300 Prompts

I have had a kids’ book taking up space in my head for twenty years.  I could see the merchandise that went with it, the sheets and teacups and plushies, but not the ending of the book. 

I don’t need to think about merch, I need to think about getting these words and ideas in my head on to paper.


I bought a book at Target – 300 More Writing Prompts – in the hopes that I’ll get into the habit of writing daily and once that routine is established, flesh out my book ideas.

Here are random thoughts of mine that I hope resonate with others.


Who am I?  I love the beach.  I love the Beatles and Jimmy Buffett.  I love the smell of sawdust. I love the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers.  I was a journalism major at Louisiana Tech and the first girl on The Tech Talk’s sports staff. I love history and architecture.

I live on a barrier island on the Texas Gulf Coast with my now-grown children nearby, by design. Family is my greatest treasure. I was one of four kids; we moved often as my Army officer father was assigned new duty stations and we turned to each other as we adapted to new environments as military brats often do.  The closeness never waned.   My parents and brothers are gone now; I lost my sister, my best friend, March 4, 2021. My snow globe is shaken. I am unsure about the next normal.


So who am I?

I am a mother to four, two that I gave birth to, two that I am lucky to call my own.  I am a grandmother to two precious girls.  I remain a sister to my brother-in-law.  I am an aunt. I am a cousin. I am a friend. I am a travel advisor. I am an introvert. I have a love/hate relationship with my two aging cats.

Then what?  Who am I?  Who will I be?  More important, who do I want to be?  

I am uncertain.

I am a writer.



Thanks for submitting!



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